Naomi Hester
May 6, 2020
What part of tech/business are you involved in?
- FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
How much time do you spend on tech/business?
- It depends on the project. Usually during the first semester of the school year is when I focus on my projects.
How did you get started in the tech/business?
- I didn’t really choose business classes. I just got placed in them freshman year.
Why do you still participate?
- I ended up liking what I learned and continued to do them, and I was looking to be more involved with school since I was new to Parkway.
What’s your favorite part?
- [I like] going to competitions. I get to meet new people and finally present my work to judges with the chance of being rewarded.
What’s your inspiration?
- I always found the idea of owning your own business to be pretty cool.
Have you won any awards/honors or hold any leadership positions?
- I’ve won five awards: four from FBLA district competitions and one from SkillsUSA
What’s your position?
- I usually work on graphic design and digital video production projects, but this year I also did photojournalism.
What’s your favorite memory from your time with the tech/business?
- At my last competition, before rewards were handed out, people started throwing frisbees around. Although it wasn’t professional, the coordinators were okay with it.
Will you continue the tech/business in college/after high school?
- I want to because of the career I plan to go into, which is graphic design/marketing.