Grant Giles

What part of tech/business are you involved in?

                  • Computer Science/programming/robotics.

How much time do you spend on tech/business per week?

                  • 10-15 hours.

How did you get started in the tech/business?

                  • When I was really young, I got a game called “Minecraft” and I was obsessed with it. Eventually, I got curious about how it worked and began to dive into the code and tried to modify it. This is when I learned about computer programming, and I have been really interested in it ever since.

Why do you still participate?

  • In tech, there’s always something new to learn . If you are tired of doing one thing, you can simply go online and start learning a new thing.

What’s your favorite part? Why?

  • I love computer programming because all you really need to do it is raw brain power. A lot of hobbies require you to buy extra pieces if you want the full experience. With programming, you can make a revolutionary, fortune-making website on the 15-year-old computer in your basement.

What’s your inspiration? Do you have a role model?

  • A lot of inspiration comes from other programming projects I see online. When I see a really cool one, I want to learn all about the subject and then make some kind of project relating to that subject myself.

Have you won any awards/honors or hold any leadership positions?

  • Last year, my robotics team got first place in the Gateway Robotics Challenge in St. Louis.

What’s your position/role?

  • On my robotics team, my role is programmer. For programming in general, I don’t really have one since it is a hobby.

What’s your favorite memory from your time with the tech/business?

  • The Gateway Robotics Challenge is my favorite since it was just a whole day devoted to competing with robots. I got to drive the robot as it was competing several times which is a really scary, but an exciting thing to do.

Will you continue the tech/business in college/after high school?

  • Yes.