Sophomores Courtney Brown, Abriea Smith, and Jon’David stop to pose while preparing for the Pep Rally performances. “I think we [sophomores] did good. Everybody just went out and had fun,” said Smith.Parkway North’s Color Guard and marching band performs “The Fight Song” as students fill the bleachers for the pep rally. “We love performing the fight song,” said senior Alvin Moy. “We really only get to perform it to get the school in spirit for football games.”Parkway North’s Viking mascot, senior Jachawn Harris, helps get the crowd excited for the pep rally. Harris said he feels special and like “the celebrity of the school” when the crowd roars from his appearance and reaches for high fives. The only downside is feeling hot and stiff in the costume.Kicking off the pep rally dance competition with the Class of 2024’s dance, junior Vivi Echeverria and her peers dance their hearts out after hours of preparation. Echeverria was puzzled to hear they lost and said, “The juniors won for sure. We had an actual dancer choreograph our dance unlike the seniors, and our dance was more hype; the crowd knows who won.”
The junior class riles up the crowd by surprising the student body by turning off the lights and using their flashlights as part of their dance. Freshman Josh Shannon said, “[The dance] was cool because everybody did it, and it was in sync. No one had to think about [turning their flashlights on]; they just pulled [the phones] out.”Sophomores follow the juniors with their performance. 2025 class president Miranda Platke thought their dance didn’t have the impact it should have and said, “I think we did pretty well — I mean, it [the dance] would have been better if we went first, since like, other people had our songs. But it was altogether really fun.”Sophomore Abriea Smith is proud of how well her class did during the dance and the process leading up to it. She said she helped choreograph the dance by “just listening to the music and [putting] dances that went with the beats.”
The senior class ended the competition with their dance and won the spirit stick. “I enjoyed spirit week so much,” student body president senior Immanuel Lewis said. “The participation was through the roof for the seniors. I think for the dance though everyone out did themselves.”