On Oct. 26, North High teachers competed against each other in the first annual pumpkin decorating and cook-off contest. While the mini pumpkin bundt cakes made by Interpreter Virginia Lugge did not win, they were popular among the judges.An assortment of treats rest patiently on the table as the staff of Parkway North take turns trying each dessert to vote on who will come out on top for the Pumpkin Dessert Contest.The dessert table was filled with endless pumpkin dessert including cupcakes, cakes, cookies and other fun, delicious desserts. Judges sampled a small amount of each dessert and then voted on their favorite during all three lunches.Student Account Specialist Lauren Campbell was responsible for making this pumpkin dessert called “Pumkin Lush”. She described it as a “Creamy whipped cream Pumpkin Dessert.”Even though these pumpkin spice cookies didn’t win, they were very popular with the teachers and were almost gone after the second round. A pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting made by SSD teacher Kari McGarry won the dessert contest.SSD teacher Kim Jordan created this pumpkin for the first pumpkin decorating contest at North. Her pumpkin came in second behind nurse Dana Lindemann and nurse assistant Janiyah Harris’s pumpkin although some judges didn’t agree. “I’m a Disney fan, so I think I’d have to go with the carriage,” math teacher Jennifer Mueller said.The third contest that took place that day was the chili contest. There were approximately ten different types of chili all made by different staff members. The White Chicken Chili made by Administrative Assistant Marsee Goldstein came in first place.These tables were basically empty by third lunch.
I’m Riley Schoene. I’m a freshman at North High. I’m also a JV cheerleader and was a part of the district musical RANKED. I love writing, and I’m a published author. My sister is a published journalist, and I look up to her very much.
Hi! My name is Anaya. I really enjoy photography and pop culture. Some of my hobbies are listening to music, cooking, and baking, along with making jewelry. I like being involved in school and meeting new people.