In September 2024, one of multiple Parkway North High School clubs, Key Club, hosted their first meeting. Their mission is to help the community.
“I first saw flyers for Key Club back in my freshman year and had always wondered what it was,” junior Monica Johnson said. “I joined the club the following year because I think community service is really fun and joining clubs is a great way to make new friend.”
“Somebody suggested it, but when I heard about it, I was hooked,” sponsor Caitlin Edmonds said.
Last year, Key Club members volunteered at STL Food Bank, swept the courtyard, and volunteered at Ronald McDonald House.
“My favorite event I went to last year was the Born to Read Program. Although it was only Barb (our Kiwanis sponsor) and I at the event (along with the woman in charge of the program), it was so fun! We packed book pamphlets into bags for newborn parents to encourage them to get their kids to start reading at a young age,” Johnson said.
This year, Key Club hopes to continue volunteering in the community and help members strengthen their leadership skills and meet new people.
‘I want them to know we have fun in this club, meet new people, and have the opportunity to help others.” Edmonds said.
Key Club meets monthly to discuss upcoming events and plans.
“I would say [our goal is] to provide our students with valuable experiences working together and help develop our core values: leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. I also hope we have a fun year,” Edmonds said.
“My favorite part of Key Club is the events. It is so fun to get to travel to different places and help out. At track or treat, it was fun to see how much the kids loved our game and candy- lots of smiles,” Johnson said.
Besides helping others, Key Club members also have fun and become more involved within their school community.
“It’s a direct way to work together, make connections, and it helps build leadership along with making a connection to the school,” Edmonds said.
Key Club will next meet on Oct. 7 to discuss their upcoming plans for the remainder of the school year.
“I feel proud of myself and our team. Even if we only help brighten someone’s day for just a moment, it’s worth every minute. Thinking about the impact we make, makes me feel really happy,” Johnson said.