Students on the GO! St. Louis is a 20-week half marathon/10K training program offered at many high schools around St. Louis, including Parkway North. The non-profit was founded to promote wellness in youth programs, and has spread throughout the city as a spring staple.
“Students on the GO! teaches students self discipline and determination,” said FACS teacher Becky Samardzic, who has been participating in this program since her first year at North in 2015.
This school year, North students have been diligently training for the Students on the GO! half marathon/10K since December, with the end goal of completing one at the Greater St. Louis Marathon Day on April 26, 2025.
“We spend a good four to five months training and running after school a few days a week as well as meeting at Forest Park on Saturday mornings to do our long runs with other high schools,” Samardzic said.
Each training run is optional to participating students due to their busy schedules, but certain number must be attended in order for the student to receive the swag. “I have been participating in the Saturday morning runs, although my clubs have been conflicting quite frequently with them [the after school ones],” said senior Samuel Lipsutz, who participated both last year and this years. “Oftentimes, I’ll run on my own for the requisite amount of time.”
This annual marathon welcomes participants of any skill level to join in on one of their six races. North students are participating in both the 13-mile Half Marathon and the 6-mile 10K.
“Last year, we ran alongside the Mississippi River,” said Lipsutz. “It does rather help me relax during some of the longer stretches.”
The race begins at the Stifel Theatre, tracking past Busch Stadium and the St. Louis Graffiti Wall, weaving across the Mississippi River and back across on the Gateway Arch Trail, concluding in front of Memorial Plaza.
“There have been a few years where we finished right by the arch, so as you’re coming back you get to see that beautiful landscape,” Samardzic said.
After the marathon, participants are encouraged to engage in many activities offered downtown. In past years, there have been various types of live performances as well as celebrations within groups.
“As you cross the finish line, you are showered with tons of goodies and snacks,” Samardzic said. “We usually go back to our tent afterwards to celebrate and take pictures.”
Upon registration, students and participants will receive an event shirt along with a racer’s bib. Once they cross the finish line, they receive their finisher’s medal as well as individual race photos to showcase their great accomplishment. Students On the Go participants also receive new running shoes and a special Students on the Go Sweatshirt.