Valentines Day Door Decoration Winners

During the month of February, AcLabs continued the new door decorating tradition to create the best exterior door decoration with the theme of Valentines Day. The winners of this contest were FACS teacher Becky Bright’s lab, and Special Education teacher, Alexandra Stueckel’s lab. Bright’s original idea was coincidentally the same idea that Stueckel had which was the Valentines Box. “It was a little last minute. The idea we wanted actually got taken by another class so we just went to the internet. There was another student, Joy Smith, who actually came across this and we just started it,” said Bright. Key students who participated were Leah Rosenbloom and Joy Smith, but they were joined by many others in and out of their AcLab

The other winner of the Valentine’s Day door contest, Stueckel’s Aclab also got the idea offline. “[We got the idea from] Pinterest. We found the Sweetart box and the ingredients and we went with it,” said Stueckel. The door was a joint effort between students and teachers to cover all bases and create the winning door design.
Stueckel’s Aclab gather around their door which previously displayed one of the winning decorations of the contest. “It probably took about two and a half weeks because we had to find time for the students to do the work and for the adults to do all the higher stuff up on the door. Just to be a little more creative with it took more time. We love it and [the students] love to do arts and crafts, so getting them involved is great. Drawing attention to our door, since we are in the commons, and just having my student be able to get out there and do something fun for the school [was the best part],” said Stueckel.

Another participant in the contest was English teacher, Debbie Banashek-Twist’s AcLab. Key students involved in making the door were juniors Cassie Schoene and Kaycie Poyser. Even though they did not win, they had fun making their door. “They took the lead. Everyone got their name on a Valentine, so there were other people who helped,” said Banashek-Twist.
Although the Door Decoration Contest is very popular among AcLabs, some did not participate in this round. “I forgot about it and didn’t care for the decoration thing in general. As long as I don’t have to do any work, I don’t care and then I forget to tell people about it because I don’t care,” said history teacher, Scott Nilsen, who’s AcLab have participated in other Door Decoration Contests before like the Halloween themed contest. Door decoration in his AcLab, specifically are student-led, meaning that if his AcLab wanted to participate, then they could do so with their own ideas. The last contest Nilsen’s AcLab took part in was led by sophomore Hermela Nebyu.